I'm not joking, seriously this is my life story.
But to give you an indication of my life at this moment, I first have to travel back before I came to be. Somewhere in the early 1980's my mother and father met at a country high school, started dating, fell in love, finished school, got married. Not being there I can't actually tell you which order they occurred in but I hope it's something along those lines. Post-school my mother went into nursing, my father went into the electrician trade, at around the year 1989 they travelled together across the globe.First heading to South America and then onto Europe. After spending sometime working and travelling in Europe they decided to buy themselves an around-the-world ticket from England to England, and then they planned to go home.
And this is where I come in, my mother never bought that ticket, because that morning she found out she was pregnant, with none other than the one that is writing this. So even before I was born I was messing with people's plans; putting a kink in my parents travel plans, they decided to stay working in England and just travel around Europe more. My mother being something around seven months pregnant they flew back to Australia to find their home pretty much cleaned out of all their belongings (lock your belongings in a security complex when you travel.)
Anyway, so over the period of about four years, things turn sour between my parents and they decide to split up. Even though I did exist this time I still can't elaborate much on the topic because my memory wasn't quite formed and is based off just what I've heard from my parents. And so my father found comfort in a friend of my mother who she knew from nursing (who just happened to be my godmother), and my mother at that stage had finished her career in nursing and went into horticulture where she met who would become my stepfather. Between the age of five and eleven I was an only child travelling between mother and father, in between that time period my parents married the people they found comfort in, and by age twelve I had three half-siblings. Mother had twin boys, Father had a daughter. By the age of fifteen or sixteen I would come to have a total of five half siblings, this time, a daughter to my mother and a son to my father.
Now everything that happened in High School was just a joke, so I won't even begin to relate it to you. But by the time I was 16 I had reached a point in my life where I was independent with no where to go. I wanted to be myself, I wanted to detach myself from everyone. Now I am where I am. I still don't know where it is. But it's somewhere, for now I'm enjoying it, but that will most likely change tomorrow.
Maybe when I'm 21 I'll remember to update this.