Why do I write?
It clears my thoughts.
It keeps me sane.
I hope to make sense of myself as a result.
The title of this page is directed specifically at my parents, for if they are reading this, I want them to know that I am ok. I can understand that many of my words are on the darker side of life. And to the rest of the world, there is no judgement to be made from anything to be read within the bounds of this blog.
If there is anything that has influenced me more than anything else it would have to be this paragraph from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde...
Pleasure is best sought through happiness. Throughout every action the core goal should to be to maintain optimal pleasure. Depending on the individual however, happiness is brought about by different methods. I do not condone mass slaughter because you feel like it, but it is not your purpose in life to make everyone in the world happy. Inner pleasures that make you feel happier is the true way to enjoy the most out of life. Without certain knowledge of life after death, there is no other point than to just enjoy the moments as they pass.
It clears my thoughts.
It keeps me sane.
I hope to make sense of myself as a result.
The title of this page is directed specifically at my parents, for if they are reading this, I want them to know that I am ok. I can understand that many of my words are on the darker side of life. And to the rest of the world, there is no judgement to be made from anything to be read within the bounds of this blog.
If there is anything that has influenced me more than anything else it would have to be this paragraph from The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde...
Basil, my dear boy, puts everything that is charming in him into his work. The consequence is that he has nothing left for life but his prejudices, his principles, and his common sense. The only artists I have ever known who are personally delightful are bad artists. Good artists give everything to their art, and consequently are perfectly uninteresting in themselves. A great poet, a really great poet, is the most unpoetical of all creatures. But inferior poets are absolutely fascinating. The worse their rhymes are, the more picturesque they look. The mere fact of having published a book of second-rate sonnets makes a man quite irresistible. He lives the poetry that he cannot write. The others write the poetry that they dare not realize.On Happiness (Hedonistic)
Pleasure is best sought through happiness. Throughout every action the core goal should to be to maintain optimal pleasure. Depending on the individual however, happiness is brought about by different methods. I do not condone mass slaughter because you feel like it, but it is not your purpose in life to make everyone in the world happy. Inner pleasures that make you feel happier is the true way to enjoy the most out of life. Without certain knowledge of life after death, there is no other point than to just enjoy the moments as they pass.
This means, being happy when you’re with someone you love, not complaining about the terrible atrocity that is currently happening to you, but rejoicing knowing that it will sometime end. Being able to be optimistic about the worst circumstances can put less stress on the individual and bring a closer sense of self, striving towards self-actualisation.
On Possesions (Narcissistic)
Of The Self:
Vanity, while not important for everyone, is important in a modern society. Much success can be achieved through just looking successful. Not to be taken to extreme lengths, narcissism can give a greater sense of satisfaction to the self and increased esteem. By making an effort to appear beautiful, you are given a goal, a drive to achieve something. Anything that gives the self a goal or a drive gives meaning towards the self, promoting greater reward in successful achievement of these goals, motivating ones-self toward greater goals and achievements.
Of The World:
On Possesions (Narcissistic)
Of The Self:
Vanity, while not important for everyone, is important in a modern society. Much success can be achieved through just looking successful. Not to be taken to extreme lengths, narcissism can give a greater sense of satisfaction to the self and increased esteem. By making an effort to appear beautiful, you are given a goal, a drive to achieve something. Anything that gives the self a goal or a drive gives meaning towards the self, promoting greater reward in successful achievement of these goals, motivating ones-self toward greater goals and achievements.
Of The World:
Surrounding one self with materialistic possessions while frowned upon in many societies gives greater pleasure and sense of self-worth. It is human nature to acquire possessions, trophies of successful encounters, which is a reason to the success of capitalism, through one’s own merits, one achieves greater trophies.
On Balance (Androgyny)
This, I see, to be one of the most important factors of life. Through balance everything can be achieved and it promotes the healthiest option of living. This is also very difficult to achieve in a world so full of constant stimulation, it is difficult to not be overwhelmed by everything that happens.
On Anti-Pleasure (Apathy)
This is my favourite Idea. First, I must define my concept of Apathy. Many consider Apathy a negative emotion, but I consider it rather positive. It is about being able to detach oneself from the world. I consider it an essential skill in survival. By detaching one self from certain things you are not constrained by the fears that others possess. It is not about a lack of care, but merely a positive coping mechanism that allows you to decrease stress, worries and negative emotions, not boosting overall happiness, but improving the strength of the happiness through removal of the negative emotions.
On Balance (Androgyny)
This, I see, to be one of the most important factors of life. Through balance everything can be achieved and it promotes the healthiest option of living. This is also very difficult to achieve in a world so full of constant stimulation, it is difficult to not be overwhelmed by everything that happens.
On Anti-Pleasure (Apathy)
This is my favourite Idea. First, I must define my concept of Apathy. Many consider Apathy a negative emotion, but I consider it rather positive. It is about being able to detach oneself from the world. I consider it an essential skill in survival. By detaching one self from certain things you are not constrained by the fears that others possess. It is not about a lack of care, but merely a positive coping mechanism that allows you to decrease stress, worries and negative emotions, not boosting overall happiness, but improving the strength of the happiness through removal of the negative emotions.