November 22, 2010

Destroy Everything, Start Again.

How many times
Can you remember something
Before it dies
If I could have known
I wouldn't have ever let you know
I thought that my heart would be better
When you see it from the inside out
But there's nothing left to see
But what you want to see
When everything that's there
Is only for you
If only you knew
How you splatter yourself across my walls
I wish you'd see, the many colours of my heart
And that all the colours are for you

November 10, 2010


I want to make love with you
Make everything ok
Make it all better

Too much, too little
I'll be wishing you here
But forever we'll glide
On the wings of clouds
Until we float to the ground
We'll die in each others arms.

November 3, 2010

So much I want to do,
and I can't do any of it,
if I could just be what I want then maybe I'd be better for you
So many ways I could be better
If only I could show you
I might hold you forever.

I want to be the one who is always there for you
Just so many wants and desires, none of which are fulfilled.
If I could abolish them all
It would be so much easier
But if I lost just one
I would no longer be living
I'd be just giving in.

October 20, 2010

Mystic explanations of time and space
Cannot decide the meaning in my life
All this life
Every moment
Encapsulated by a single entity.

October 19, 2010

A respite that forgives the desire to consume.

A hopeless encounter that sends the shadow to the grave
A weeping maiden pushes through the mist
Searching for the grave
That she should be lying
Nothing is fun
When there is no more love
With all this disaster
Can anything be regarded as truth?

Beyond despair
Beyond desperation
The lives that you killed
Embodied the fears that you consumed
Not without first destroying
The innocence inside of you.

But nothing more can be further than truth
Than to decipher all that comes from within
Will nothing more be considered heartless
Will all this heartache be left in wonder
No wonder this world is dead
When you enemies crumble under thunder.

September 14, 2010

Later nights we left behind

With what we held
In this compassionate rage
Life among the wicked
Deceived the life of the lovers

You are the only one to ever believe
Everyone else were just misconceived
Life beyond the desire.

August 23, 2010

I wait for you.

This heart I hold will bring me closer to you,
Nothing could keep me from loving you.
I give everything I can to give you what you need,
I'll always try to be the one you love,
I won't leave you, always waiting for you.

Beyond doubt I call for your desire
I hope that you could become the one I spend eternity
Everything between us, everything that is us
I just want to be yours
Forever yours.

August 19, 2010


I'm lonely, in conception
Viewed through the lenses of deception.
Embody the heart that my lover gives
A warm embrace that counters my life
Withhold from this desire
And feed your own fire.

I will not bend for you,
I will not kiss your feet.

August 18, 2010

Nihilist vs. Agnostic Rationalist (I use those terms /very/ loosely)

Here follows a discussion between my friend VJmes and myself about the meaning to the Universe, nihilism and existence... Among other things.

VJmes says (11:11 PM):
There is one good thing about being nihilistic
You never get stressed
Hedon says (11:12 PM):
Hah, I'm not sure if that is always the case with nihilistic persons
VJmes says (11:12 PM):
more often than not it is
Well the ones that realise that any effort is inheritantly futile and meaningless.
Hedon says (11:14 PM):
I think people are either naturally stressed or not, while environment does impact it to some extent, it's mostly your own personality that decides how stressed you are
but in the same respect, your personality will influence your views on nihilism
VJmes says (11:14 PM):
Pretty much
Hedon says (11:14 PM):
so it's hard to say whether low-stress is a result of nihilism, or they are both a result of your personality
VJmes says (11:14 PM):
some people are far more adept to religion than others
Hedon says (11:15 PM):
Which is interesting
VJmes says (11:15 PM):
I believe that there are a lot of people who simply cannot deal with a world without religon
or a world without meaning
It'd be too bleak for some people live in
Hedon says (11:16 PM):
But is that genetic or environmental?
VJmes says (11:16 PM):
Of the whole nature verses nurture front
It's probably a combination
with a strong bias towards the nurture
Hedon says (11:17 PM):
I think everyone needs a reason for existence, even if that existence is nothing
VJmes says (11:17 PM):
Not really
Every other species exsists with no real purpose
Hedon says (11:17 PM):
There is no possible way to explain existence without a reason
but they do have a purpose, to reproduce
VJmes says (11:18 PM):
and what purpose does that serve outside of this planet?
Our existence has no real meaning, think about it, of the 13 billion estimated years the universe has exsisted
We've been around for roughly 100,000 years
We populate one planet of possibly trillions
Hedon says (11:19 PM):
Well, it could be said that without our existence what function would our planet serve, had we not been created what would happen to our solar system, not just now, but in the future
VJmes says (11:19 PM):
Why does our planet have to serve a function?
it would do what it'd do without us
Hedon says (11:20 PM):
Because doesn't everything, even a small asteroid serve as a function
even if that function serves no balance of purpose
VJmes says (11:20 PM):
the sun would burn out, collapse and the solar system would drift a part
Hedon says (11:20 PM):
it is still a function
but who is to say that our existence isn't important for this solar system, obviously something happened right, or wrong in the very beginning for this to happen the way it is
VJmes says (11:21 PM):
Humanity as a whole is that insigifigent that in all reality we will leave no difference in this universe
Hedon says (11:21 PM):
in the universe maybe not
but in our world, we do impact it, and then our impacts on our world may impact the surrounding planets
VJmes says (11:22 PM):
We are simply the by-product of a planet that was exactly the right distance from a star burning at the right temperature to produce life
Hedon says (11:22 PM):
in this day and age yes
VJmes says (11:22 PM):
Even in thousands of years
Hedon says (11:22 PM):
but as space exploration becomes easier and bigger, we will start to leave our mark on our solar system
VJmes says (11:23 PM):
the constraints of physics and distance mean that humanity will never travel outside this solar system
Hedon says (11:23 PM):
Humans may not, but our creations can and those creations could impact other planets, and life forms in the distant future
VJmes says (11:23 PM):
and who's to say that in 20 years an astroid won't come along and wipe us all out
our existence is so fragile, it could almost be considered non-exsistant
Our creations will breakdown into their basic elements over millions of years
and continue to break down on an atomic level until they become simple chemicals
Hedon says (11:24 PM):
an interesting thing that came out of [my philosophy tutorial] discussion on Spinoza, is that humans are a result of the universe discovering itself
VJmes says (11:24 PM):
How has the universe discovered itself?
Hedon says (11:25 PM):
Spinoza dictates, from the definitions and axioms held by philosophers past, that there are two types of substances in this world
VJmes says (11:25 PM):
which are?
Hedon says (11:26 PM):
ones that are limited, caused by something, such as humans, we are caused by other humans (sex) and as one human ages, and dies, they are replaced by another of the same (another human)
VJmes says (11:26 PM):
the other?
Hedon says (11:26 PM):
and ones that are unlimited, a substance that stands about all else, and is infinite
VJmes says (11:26 PM):
That's impossible
Hedon says (11:26 PM):
self-causing substance
not entirely
VJmes says (11:26 PM):
Even if the physics on it were wrong
Hedon says (11:27 PM):
What physics?
VJmes says (11:27 PM):
the fundamental believe is that there are a finite number of atoms in the universe
it's estimated that there are 26x10^98 atoms in the universe
Hedon says (11:28 PM):
Spinoza dictates however that the unlimited substance is god, and that from this infinite substance, or infinite attributes, everything is caused by this self-scausing substance
but how many were there to begin with?
VJmes says (11:28 PM):
That sounds awfully theistic
Hedon says (11:28 PM):
it is and it isn't
VJmes says (11:28 PM):
the same
no matter is created or destroyed, same with energy
It just takes a different form
Hedon says (11:29 PM):
Although some physicists dispute that
VJmes says (11:29 PM):
What, Newton's 3rd law?
No one disputes that
it is the most fundamental law in science
Hedon says (11:30 PM):
I've seen people claim that certain observations can't be true according to newtowns 3rd alw
things regarding black holes and string theory etc
VJmes says (11:30 PM):
Dude, there's a conclusive proof on it
black holes themselves are theoretical
I have a video by a comedian
George Carlin, the man was a genius
Hedon says (11:31 PM):
I love george carlin
VJmes says (11:31 PM):
Everyone does
No wait
Few people do
Hedon says (11:33 PM):
Well, anyway, as much as you can say that we serve no purpose, you can't be definitive and completely truthful in that statement, and as long as there is possibility of error, there is a possibility that our existence does impact, however minutely, the existence of the Universe
VJmes says (11:34 PM):
but to say otherwise you have to answer one question
Hedon says (11:34 PM):
Ignoring soulless physics for a moment, there could well be existential meaning within the universe itself, even if we are a hair on it's head
VJmes says (11:34 PM):
What meaning does the universe have?
Hedon says (11:34 PM):
I have no fucking clue
VJmes says (11:35 PM):
The lack of this answer implies that there is no meaning
Hedon says (11:35 PM):
I find that logic falliable
VJmes says (11:35 PM):
Until someone even theorises a possible meaning
What can you say?
Hedon says (11:35 PM):
Just because you can't answer something does not mean that an answer does not exist
VJmes says (11:36 PM):
No but the assumption should be made until there is an answer
Hedon says (11:36 PM):
The fact though, that you can question the meaning of the universe, means that there is an existence, for if there was no existence to it, then you couldn't think of the universe and its potential to have meaning in the first place
You can't think of things that don't exist
and if you can think of it, then it must exist
Cartesian Philosophy, I think therefore I am
VJmes says (11:37 PM):
Something can exsist with no meaning
Hedon says (11:37 PM):
can it?
VJmes says (11:37 PM):
Hedon says (11:38 PM):
But what about purpose?
Surely everything that exists has a purpose
however minute
VJmes says (11:38 PM):
Hedon says (11:38 PM):
No what?
VJmes says (11:39 PM):
You can't just make an assumption that if something exists, it must have a meaning
Hedon says (11:39 PM):
But I'm not making that assumption
VJmes says (11:39 PM):
Well you are
Hedon says (11:40 PM):
I'm saying that, that which exists has a purpose, for if it didnt, then it wouldn't exist
VJmes says (11:40 PM):
Your saying that the universe exsists, thus it has to have a meaning
I think therefore I am
I disagree, something can exsist without meaning
Hedon says (11:41 PM):
Ok, but can something exist without a purpose?
VJmes says (11:41 PM):
Well the universe exists without purpose
Hedon says (11:41 PM):
Well what would exist if the Universe didn't?
VJmes says (11:41 PM):
Hedon says (11:41 PM):
How can nothing exist? For it is nothing
VJmes says (11:42 PM):
How did you make that jump?
If the universe does not have a purpose, then everything within it does not have purpose
everything in it exists as part of the universe that lacks meaning
Even by scope if something was dependant on another
thus giving it purpose and meaning
it is still inheritantly purposeless because the universe has no purpose
Hedon says (11:44 PM):
But everything inside the universe, such as the equilibrium of the planets movements are based on its distance from the centre of the solar system, is dependent on something
Your existence was dependent on the fact that your parents got drunk and accidently had a child
VJmes says (11:44 PM):
I was planned unlike you
Hedon says (11:44 PM):
VJmes says (11:44 PM):
By inheritance, We have no meaning
even by our own scope we have no meaning
Hedon says (11:45 PM):
But I fail to understand how there can be no meaning in this universe, as long as we are dependent on something else
VJmes says (11:45 PM):
the planet could wipe us if any condition changed slightly
and we would not have affected the universe at all.
Hedon says (11:45 PM):
We wouldnt, but the universe would have affected us
VJmes says (11:45 PM):
We no longer exsist
If the universe affected us, what difference does it make if we no longer exsist?
For something to have meaning, it's function and purpose must be constant
Hedon says (11:46 PM):
In the Universe, maybe nothing
VJmes says (11:46 PM):
on the planet nothing
Look at what happened in 50,000 years
Hedon says (11:47 PM):
But within ourselves, our purpose and function has meaning, for we keep on fucking and we keep on breeding
VJmes says (11:47 PM):
plants and animals long since past have been burnt up into simple chemicals (CO2)
Hedon says (11:47 PM):
Regardless of the impact we have on anything outside our planet, we do have an impact on ourselves
VJmes says (11:47 PM):
Hedon says (11:48 PM):
So we aren't devoid of meaning
VJmes says (11:48 PM):
That impact is futile if we're all going to be eventually wiped out
Hedon says (11:48 PM):
Not for now
For now we are still impacting the world and the planet around us
VJmes says (11:48 PM):
The onyl way you could otherwise think he have a meaning is if you believe in quantam immortality
there there is a reality in which humanity is immortal
Yeah but assume we all died tomorrow
the world would break us all down
and in thousands of years we would become the same matter in which we originated
Hedon says (11:50 PM):
Ok, how about humans ourselves are merely just an accident gone wrong, that in another planet a perfected existence of a meaningful species exists
VJmes says (11:50 PM):
The first lifeforms were created from the earth itself
the last ones will return to the eath in the same way
Hedon says (11:50 PM):
That it will
VJmes says (11:51 PM):
Hedon says (11:51 PM):
But if there was no meaning to us being here now, then why are we here now
VJmes says (11:51 PM):
Though all established theories on life would indicate that they would be as just as fragile existence as us.
Why are we here now?
because your parents fucked one night, shot you out 9 months later
and in approximately 80 years you will die
be put into a box
put into the ground
Hedon says (11:52 PM):
No, I am here because contraceptive pill failed
VJmes says (11:52 PM):
point still
in 80 years you will break into the earth once more
what you do in that time is entirely up to you
don't fuck it up, you only have one chance at exsisting
Hedon says (11:53 PM):
By all current understanding we do
We at least only have knowledge of a singular existence
VJmes says (11:53 PM):
A quantum exsistance would be preferable I assure you
any reality in which there is a reality that I am sleeping with your mother is a good reality
Hedon says (11:54 PM):
Well, yes we could go on to question the existence of a multiverse
of which there is 'evidence' of
VJmes says (11:55 PM):
Meh there's just as much evidence on either side at this point
I'd like to believe it to be real as much as I believe that a 2000 year old zombie can in death bring me to life in a new perfect relaity
but this isn't the land of perpetual lolipops, puppies & rainbows
Hedon says (11:56 PM):
I like to think that the fact that we are capable of discussion like this indicates purpose to our life
VJmes says (11:56 PM):
I don't see how a discussion impacts on anything
outside the people who know of it, the affects on humanity are minimal.
As you can tell
I have a very bleak outlook on everything
Hedon says (11:58 PM):
But how did we manage to develop logical thought?
What purpose does logical thought serve us?
Just an advantage in the ecosystem?
VJmes says (11:58 PM):
I'd say so
Hedon says (11:59 PM):
I don't mind your bleak look, and I generally see things in a very pessimistic way, but I can't be satisfied by a nihilistic philosophy. Although, maybe I will just have to read more about it
VJmes says (11:59 PM):
Humans would've become extinct very quickly had we not developed self-awareness and logical thought
We have no fur to keep us warm
Hedon says (11:59 PM):
Not nessecarily
because not all creatures that haven't developed that are extinct
VJmes says (12:00 AM):
Is true
Hedon says (12:00 AM):
But that's because we created our own fur
VJmes says (12:00 AM):
But we are facing a mass-exstinction at the moment
and suprisingly not because of humans
Hedon says (12:00 AM):
and we migrated to habitats which we shouldnt have
VJmes says (12:00 AM):
without logical thought we wouldn't have moved anywhere
instinctively living near where we were born, like all mamals
freezing to death
or burning to death
or unable to defend/hunt
Hedon says (12:01 AM):
No, we would be living in Africa
naked savage beasts
VJmes says (12:01 AM):
Yeah we'd be being nommed on by a zebra or something
exstinction by zebras
Hedon says (12:01 AM):
and if it got to hot then we would migrate, by course of natural selection, the smart ones move to the more survivable areas
Bahaha, yes, plausible
VJmes says (12:02 AM):
Either way, we're heading down a totally new can of worms
Though I do love me some evolution [Evolution according to South Park]
Hedon says (12:04 AM):
I like it
also, youtube videos have changed
the fuck
VJmes says (12:04 AM):
I know
Hedon says (12:05 AM):
right click a youtube video, you get new options and such
VJmes says (12:05 AM):
I know
change is scary
does someone need a hug?
Hedon says (12:05 AM):
No, I like change
I've experienced a meaningful change at least every 2-3 years of my life, kinda feel weird when something doesn't change
VJmes says (12:06 AM):
I can't live with consistancy
Hedon says (12:09 AM):
Well, my mind is thoroughly stimulated now
It feels like my brain just had rough, violent, angry sex and is sort of pissed off because the orgasm wasn't as fulfilling as it was hoping
VJmes says (12:10 AM):
Trust me, if I had sex with your brain
it would've orgasmed so many times it'd get sick of orgasms
Hedon says (12:10 AM):
You ain't that good :3
VJmes says (12:11 AM):
How do you know >_>
Hedon says (12:11 AM):
Cos I've been there gurl *shakes finger* mmmmmhmmmmmmmmmmm
VJmes says (12:11 AM):
ooh ooh
I think after all of that
it's time for some Doors
Hedon says (12:12 AM):
Haha nice
I am going do what I usually do post-coitus and find food and drink a mouthful of coke from the bottle

My Lover, She Understands.

She makes the way I desire to live
A desire that I fully embrace.
Every action and every word
I desire to please and fulfil her heart.

I love and feel
What it is to be real
This passion embraced
I love with enduring desire.

Forgotten, the life I left behind
With everything I feel
Currently held within her heart
I desire to be punished
But in her I feel loved.
I want nothing more than my life to be complete
And with this love it is so close
A life long desire,
Captured by this that she brings.

July 20, 2010

I miss her like the daily snow
Whispers upon my cheek, A whisper from the dark.
Live this lie you made for yourself

It's really the point of everything that matters.
She is my world and all I ever think about
My heart goes to her, she is all I ever want.
Someone as amazing as her could frequent my life... I love her incredibly,
It does not feel like anything worth doing is worth it.

Miles of everything lost in the incessant noise.

July 19, 2010


They look at what I've done
While I sit here, stunned and charmed
Enraptured by this beauty
The world is looking at me
No one will save us now
This is the time that we will live
No one will see us now
Not for the cuts upon our chins

You look to the skies and embrace the night
The stars and the heavens all that which you created
No one will ever know that you are the one who should of died
But who is to blame them when you created the universe

Beyond the depth of man
You develop a trust in hating
Don't look past me
You'll only see misery

June 18, 2010

...and you take all you give,
Just to escape.

June 15, 2010

Curses of a Blank Mind.

This is just all that you can _______
With _____ blatantly lost
Your ___ is now _____

Vacancies persist in ______ desperation
A life ______
She ____
"_ ____ __" you reply,
She doesn't hear you.

Potentially wasted
And wasted potential
Forgive us this desire
For within I am on fire.

Without Meaning, You Are No Different.

Such a love
Unfathomable from the start
Who can really tell
When the war will end
Our heart will beat furiously
Your passionate fury mis-concepts the unfortunate purity
Desperate desires are henceforth un-salvageable

You push past the desires of men
Steal from this world what we can't comprehend
You think you were right
But no one can tell
That all that's inside
Is metal and rock

Unfeeling, terror, pervasive pleasure
Whispers from the darkness within
This life of desire, unforgiven but lonely
You won't see us without the blood in your eyes

Who could have comprehended that this would be the end.
Your moniker for your smile
Forgives nothing past the lies within you
Some day we shall obtain a new direction
That can salvage our hearts
And give us compassion.

Just Meaninglessness, Embrace Me

Look at this life, so sacred and horrible.
This wasted existence, left burnt reminiscence.
Desire captivated by the expression of words.
A life that you once enjoyed, destroyed by your passion.
Can no one take this desperation away from you?
Will nothing save you from a cold embrace?
Like a wandering sailor forever searching for answers,
A life you left behind still haunts you in desperation.

You will not ever give this up,
You can not let this go.
Something so beautiful.
Something so profound.
We are captivated by your every sound.

A lonely moth circles above us.
With a noise so clear,
Radiating in the starlight.
A gradual intensity
Created from nothing,
Like the slow beating of your heart
That forever seeks to destroy you.

Deadly desires.

So many worlds, take me from this life
A lonely whisper
Breathed from the worlds of darkness
She looks beyond the screams
Eats your heart out
Buries it in her belly
Will never let you free.

June 10, 2010

Like a lost and lonely wanderer
You keep me safe inside your arms
I wish I could be inside you
Instead of outside in coldness
Your touch is the essence to my existence
And everything I feel is through you
I love you with all my heart
And I hope that never changes.

June 2, 2010

I was going to dedicate this to Katja, but it ended up sort of corny, so how about I just dedicate it to the first post in June instead?

A beautiful lover
She sets my heart on fire.
Nothing more do I seek for
Than to sleep in her arms each and every night.
Beauty in her eyes,
Makes my heart stop.

Without you I feel so empty
I just need you here right now.
This life we have in our future
I will never let you go
If you would keep me forever.

Just hold me close
Don't let go
I'll give you everything
I'll set your world on fire.
You are my everything.
Everything to me.
To me.

May 31, 2010

One day too many...

So many hopes
Wondering through empty streets,
This life we created for ourselves.
It's nothing more than a hopeless serenade.

Our love bursts forth
From golden clouds.
This life we desire
Is nothing short of irony.
Without the respite for death
Who can we be to cover our debt.

I love you.
Without withholding passion.
This passionate embrace
That you serve to contemplate
Our lives cast forth
Among blackened stars.
Nobody can save our lives,
Nobody will love us now.

I'm absent with a desire
This is more than what we require
If there is passion you need
Then seek within us this fire.
You will become everything you wanted.
Your life is not over. Escape to the sea and don't, look. Back.

May 27, 2010

My Favourite Passion To Witness

Harmless sweat,
A loving glance
Stress-less moan.
Synchronized breaths
Bodies shaking.

A passionate touch
A beautiful kiss
A life beyond love
Pure euphoria
Clouded in ecstasy
Is there nothing more beautiful
Than a woman in passionate throes of uncontrollable exhilaration?

May 24, 2010

I'm holding on
I take this life
And you run so far
Too far to catch
Not far enough to not see you

A life we take
To escape this fate
We search for loving
But nothing seems so fitting
Than to run away
Escape to the stars

I miss you don't you see
I can't live without you
But your eyes are just too perfect
To be within me
A life that we obscure
Is better than a life lost

This is better than respite
We foresee terrible damage
You take this down
Destroy this hateful spear
And you seek to exact vengeance?
I will strike you down
Search for you and destroy you
You won't see me coming
Until you start dying
This life you created for yourself
Is nothing but a façade
Forgive yourself
For no one else will
Let me be
And forget about me

I'm much like a lie
Unlike the liar
We desire to forgive
You shouldn't have saved us
We were better off without forgiveness
I want you back
But nothing can stop me
Just live with me
Spend forever in my arms
We'll search for the stars
And we'll live our days in endless peace
Constant love-making.

May 17, 2010

I want to feel your skin.
I want to be lying in your arms,
It's the only time I feel safe
It's the only way I feel loved.

You make my life perfect.
More than the value in life
Your love puts in me.
A desire for you
A passion endearing
Unending, Unbearably lustful.

How regretful I would be
If I let you go
Your love breaks my heart
In all the ways I love
I wish I could be yours
Forever and ever.

You make me feel so young
I just feel so hopelessly romantic with you.
I love it.

May 13, 2010

Just Words.

A life, A lover
She keeps me close
Keeps me forever.

I want to give her a voice
but all I can only give lies.
Your faith will falter
When you rest it in me
Some day I'll know
The cure to myself

Disturbing images from your past
Haunt me and kill me,
Like you wont last.
A liar,
Will take you home
She'll give you desire
And eat your heart.

May 12, 2010

A desperate lover
Embodies my favour
Embrace this fire
Release my desire

I life that burns
So strong it hurts
This love we share
I love you my dear

For it softly weeps
As the gentle breeze
Swept across your chest
Covered the bite marks on your back

This love we desire
A hopeless fire
Burns ever stron-

Why don't I speak of blood?

May 10, 2010

So Many Nights I'd Lie In Your Arms.

Our lover cast aside
By the fire in your flaming heart
Too many words to take back the way you make my heart drop.

Our love, delirium
To become what we love, I love.
You are too sweet, I just want you on me, but maybe one day.

We'll elope,
We'll run away, till the world stops spinning
This love that we share, it brings us closer, under the night skies.

I want to be yours forever.
Won't you be mine.
I love you to the end.
This is our future.
We could live your dream.
I love you.

May 6, 2010

It's Love. She Said, Desire.

I just want to escape.
To free my life from these reins.
Escape to the see,
Where the moon will comfort me.
I need no other
Than the heart of my lover.
Today we will run away.
Tomorrow will be forgotten.

Hide in me, my prey.
Like a life.
Beyond hope.
She'll let you live.
Eat you alive.
But not for long.
This world is ours.
I love you she said.
Just for now, as always.
She is... Just magnificent.
I think I'm in love.

May 5, 2010

She Stole My Heart, When I Didn't Know I Had One.

We'll take a trip up to the stars.
I'll make your dream last forever,
Under the night skies
I'd lie forever in your arms.
Your brilliance amazes me
Adorable and loving.
Comfort, and beauty
Hope, you do fulfil in me.

No more regret within your eyes
I just love you until the day I die.
You're more than what I can love,
You just wish that this could come on.

I need you more than ever
Just a kiss would last forever
This is our love
This is our desire
Within you my heart is a fire
I love you my precious,
As the world will stop
And I'll forever be with you in love.

May 4, 2010

Neoteric, Like I Never Knew.

Cannot feel what you say.
Will not take this heart away.
Today we stay,
Tomorrow I see you gone.
This love, this life,
She was too young.
You cannot deceive me.
You will not leave me.
Because I will be yours
Until the end of everything.

She wishes with might, that what might make us laugh, will destroy us. Who knew, who knew, this is the life. Our life, our beautiful skies. Starless eyes bleed only as beautiful as our lies. If you only knew. She would eat you alive. I believe in nothing more than to escape to the sea where all pleasures would belong. Among the oceans and the whales. Our love remains strong. Who are we to judge, when the love comes to fold. Should this be our life, could we eradicate our love, my love are you sure this is what you want? Don't wish for thoughts you can't control. Do not trick yourself into believing. This isn't what this means. This is love. This is what you wanted.

Was it not how you thought,
That this would be your life.
If you could bleed blue,
Would this dress suit you?
This is your life
This is what you wanted.
Wasn't it?

Because this is the end. This is when we collapse. Fall into the ground, bury our bones in the ashes. We will lose everything, everything that you loved. This is our love beyond what is controlled. Together, forever. Just loveless bones among the laughter. If only it ended in slaughter, maybe you'd still be breathing. Can we decide what we love? Is this everything you wanted? No more will you love when all you think regret. Just don't let go, I will always be your lover...

Just until...

May 3, 2010

Her Eyes.

Her hopeless words that bring you close.
There's nothing quite like being this real.
This is life, this is what we perceive,
Is there nothing this real.

This is nothing more than what we desire.
For countless lies hide behind liars.
This is the real world.
This is your life.
Nobody will destroy you,
Nobody will hurt you,
Quite like I do.

May 2, 2010

It does not end.

She'll control you
A life outside your own
TO beyond the love that exists in between the hearts of the lovers. An escape, she runs, runs away from her nightmares. Haunted souls eclipse her mind, a life of lovers and leavers leaves a poor woman lonely

Shell quit you
Exit you
Time forms out and takes control
A life the is distorted
Bent at the neck
And uncontrollable until.

She does not give up. Not for you

Hold me
Fissure nonsense beyond complete
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
Leave you lonely,. This life will destroy you.

this life
it is too far belong
to see this life
i can could take
this is just a lie
Too many nights
Too many nights ago
this life is killing the life beyond

May 1, 2010

She Is My Victoria, Victoria Is Her Name

Her love, wonderful eyes,
Looks into my soul
Devours my heart.

A whisper, a giggle,
A smile that shows
So much passion.

There would be no greater pleasure
Than to relive such a day
Such beauty embodied
This is my desire.

Just this life
Can never be stable
This is love, all over again.

April 28, 2010

Devour Me Whole.

She'll eat you alive
This world
will not save you
A life alone
Hope for misery
Despair, satisfied

I'm alone in this world of tears
Covered in lies
I look to the skies
She'll keep you warm at night

I need to run away
Just please stay away.
Leave this world and don't look back.

I didn't mean this
You mean too much
Do not tire
I cannot withdraw

Nothing more to be said.

Just hope it ends alright
Hope she brings you love
Hope she ends this world of tears
And brings you to your knees.

Exit, front stage.
Eat Me, Alive.

April 27, 2010


Draped in black, he walks the streets beneath sodium streetlights. Face obscured by drugs and hair, half-nakedly trembles with every little sound. No words can describe his night. Maybe in his dreams he will be haunted, but the scars on his chest will never be answered except by those who reside in the lake of souls.

April 24, 2010

I'll take it away,
You'll lose me, don't run too late.
Forever lost in brutal love
She destroys your hope
Devours your lover
That's life
Fucking live it.

April 22, 2010


Naked desire of frequent fires
A life that takes you ten thousand lies to expire
Too many or too few
Some would whisper
Beyond the life of a lover she will endure

No more will this impulsion serve to remove our lies
Can we just forgive, could you forget me.
No more will be defined
Behind the lies that you repeat

Some day you'll see the world in front of you
But maybe its good
When all we give
Is emotionless lust
This is just a desire
This is what we expire
Beyond our terminal love.

April 18, 2010

A Desire To Drape Over Our Misery

She'll bring this unto you
A loving heart that never stops asking
She will never give up
Only to see you break

A life this is lost
From everyone that you loved
Too late to cry
Too many more lies
You've wasted your life
On wasted fires
That never burned that strong
Even when you thought you were in control

Lost words, that bring into us
A life that lives beyond the fire of our hearts
She'll never let you go,
She'll grip your throat and won't let go.
Today we've lost
But we'll bring it back
To love it again
Desire, a wonderful escape
Just pure pleasure to let me die
Cover me in this fire
And take my heart away from me.

April 15, 2010

Could You Overdo It More?

More love, more love
Hopelessly entangled in a web of desire
This is what you took from me
This is what I took from you
Should we face it or just destroy it
I give up
This just is the end
No more
Time to rest my darling
Say goodbye to your fears
Your wonderful wonderful fears.
Love Always.

April 14, 2010


I found this while looking back through my old drafts her on blogger. I think I planned to write more on the matter. However I think it's good enough as a standalone now that I read it.

What holds in us our need, our desire, our passion for living. Will she or won't she, sometimes I just sit and wonder about what could have been, with all these people I've never dared to meet, all of those pretty things I never dared explore. What brings in us this desire for acceptance; is our desire to live stronger than our passion to explore? No one can ever determine the true purpose to discovering an ancient lie, a hidden truth clouded in mystery, and I do caress the notion of loving a fellow lover, the occasional skip of the heart beat, the romantic gestures, the time old phrases and canon performances. Our life as we know it is merely a simple beat in the song and dance that entwines our lovely minds together. You always keep certain memories of your past, some of them will remain seemingly clear as day, others you'll remember fragments of speech, colours or smells, and the very special few will fade in time to leave a lasting impression of an extraordinary emotion that will be shared amongst yourself until the day you die. There is nothing that will make you forget how that moment felt, and everything that reminds you of that moment will trigger inside of you that moment that sits so deep in your heart.

The only light being the cool glow from the moon; nervous anticipation, satin and lace. Nervous excitement. A true connection, a timeless bond, a moment that will change your life forever. Twenty minutes of your life that you will never forget....


For a life of regrets
She will steal you away
A desire
Heart's Desire

She'll make you bleed
For the fantasy
A desire to control
This life is not a lie
So she rips you apart
Brings you back around
And wants you to lie
Face down on the ground

April 13, 2010


There's xxx on your chest. She's back isn't she?

April 12, 2010

It Should Have Been Predicted

Well I should have seen this coming.
This is the life that we were expecting.
Nothing should be so easy.
Can't imagine that this life will change.

But this is it.
Only will it decide,
Once love is dead and gone.

April 11, 2010

We Are One

Our life is what we make it
You cannot perceive this disaster
Anymore than the fire burns your heart
She'll take you away
Before you can keep it

But don't look too far
This world is better without you

Just keep on breathing,
Hope she doesn't find out.
This is life, it's what we make it
Today more than ever
I feel like falling
I'll cut off my wings
And I'll just forever fall into the darkness of your love.

April 10, 2010

Coming Closer, Make Us Warmer

She brings you this fire,
Kills life inside the desire
She fights for you
And gives you this to die

Come on baby let it die
Let this heart roll-over and die
Fuck this world
Fuck this life
All you want to bring this alive
Is sitting alone under a loving lie.

April 9, 2010

A Lost Goodbye

She brings you love
All you can do is cry
Everything you want is held in her heart
But you stand there watching
Hoping she doesn't fade away.

April 7, 2010

Our Times That You Would Rather Give Up

She'll take you far, far away.
Beyond the stars,
Beyond the lights,
Beyond the love.

I take you away with me,
I'll make you mine.
You'll drink my blood
And we'll laugh in slaughter
The blood of our enemies
Brings us together once more

You dig this desire
And I'll burn you with fire
We do not dare to contemplate the meaning behind our existence
We merely ask that you don't give up on us.

We Always End In Tears, Because This Life Isn't Meant To Be Feared

This life
A shadow in the blue
With love tied into the framework of her body
You whisper
'I Love You,'
She never hears you...

This is how it's meant to be
This is how life makes you
Nobody looking out for you
No wonder love breaks you.

Will you fulfill your rock-star dream?
Will you live past Twenty-one?
Will you crawl of of the shadow of your life,
And at least give me a hug, before I die?
This will take from us a heartache that burns inside you
A life without reason
Burns forever
A desire multitude that proceeds incompetence
This lust, I share
This, we would just fuck.

I am the leader
I will teach you everything
I'm beginning to pretend
That you mean nothing
Make me famous
Cast my life into the flames
And turn your heart to ash

Because theres nothing worth living for
Then to just make the most out of this world.
By just fucking.

April 6, 2010

Dangerous Desire

Innocence and purity before you knew her
A life of heartache and a love destroyed
She'll take your heart and burn it too
She wants nothing more than to be like you

A little smile and bright eyes
A hopeless smile she seeks for pleasure
Destroys everything, especially herself

We found this
We took this
A life of fear and acceptance
Who knew, who knew
What this life would become
Who knew, Who did
The dangerous desire
Our hearts combine
I feel inside her
I see her eyes
That see my world
From long ago
Too many lives
Not enough hearts
Some day I will save her from this
Some day we will find acceptance
Today we will keep on fighting
Desperately trying, to not give up lying

I think too much.

March 31, 2010

Blatant respondents calling false accordance
Too late too far
Please forgive me
Don't turn back

This life I left behind
Shattered my hatred and my fear
With this short collapse
The arm dropped
The spindle scratch the record playing goodbye sweet night

Hold me close
Feel me now
All I want is you in my mouth
I gave you dreams
I gave you hearts
But this life you left me
Is nothing but darts.

March 30, 2010

Apathetic Androgyny

Her body,
Lovely and perfect
Lying below me
Eyes looking into mine
A time ago
This was what love was
It's just memories

Our desire
Locks in each other eyes
Feels like satin
...on satin
Love composed within the satin sheets
Under a blanket of moonlight
Nights love goes on forever.

Passion and fire
The same old metaphor
Heavy breaths just make it so
Complete comfort
Extreme vulnerability
Everything combined
To take our love
Apathy destroyed
Just the complete desire to send her body out of control and make her shake in your arms
Aspiration Endured Pleasurably.

March 24, 2010


Hopelessness, the essence to survival
This desire we create
will be the downfall of our existence.

To consider being lonely
Until the end of days
Our darkest hour comes in the revival

Hedonistic, Narcissistic, Apathetic.
Three criteria, allows deathly psychosis
Inducing hypnauseum. Brain bypass.

Come with me now
Drown in me now
Let this blood evolve you let my love invoke in you
Thoughts, memories, desires, fears, intuition in succession.

March 10, 2010

With what comes to the fold when the desire begins to bare. Lose all sense of self control as the products start to tear, this corruption unfolded by longing for destruction. Who can sense, dispense, administer without the lies.

Deception, she looks to the sky. A sweet respite that makes Victoria wish she were somewhere else. Why does she sit in the same spot everyday hoping that something will change. The only effect seems to be the dead grass that disappears everyday. Some day she hopes that she will see him. The one person that will change her life. Re-adapt, Repeat.
An art-form that makes us change with every coming day, Never do the words begin to fragment, compared to the thoughts and hearts of those combined. Victoria just sits alone, wasting her days by looking for her life companion that just continually destroys her heart.

A Short Idea

What bleed this inside us
Who could take desire, perished in fire.

Who stems from royalty eventually dies in prose

March 5, 2010


What is it inside of me that possesses this de-motivation the moment I enter solitude. Can it be attributed to the contact and appreciation of other human beings, and even admiration, that elevates my mood to a point where the disconnection of the cause of happiness can have a negative mood swing similar to the effects a drug user of speed might experience?
Do I feel so uncomfortable and so self-hating that I have to use the happiness of others to make my life worth living?
Today shall be my attempt at near-complete disconnection to society, near-complete in the sense that I wont be searching for human interaction, but if someone wishes to contact me then they have the ability to do so.
I think over the past year especially I suppose this has always happened, though I cannot say for sure which if either of the explanations it could be.
Now humans by nature are social beings, but why do I find it so hard to be in a social setting yet feel so depressed to leave a social setting, there definitely comes a point where I inevitably get fed up in a sense of the people around me and I just have to exit that scenario, but when I don't feel the need to exit such a situation, and I witness either the 'enjoyable' people around me leaving, or my own self leaving against my inner volition why do I experience what can only be described as anxiety.

:Introspection End:

February 17, 2010

What Began And What Ended.

What holds in us our need, our desire, our passion for living. Will she or won't she, sometimes I just sit and wonder about what could have been, with all these people I've never dared to meet, all of those pretty things I never dared explore. What brings in us this desire for acceptance; is our desire to live stronger than our passion to explore? No one can ever determine the true purpose to discovering an ancient lie, a hidden truth clouded in mystery, and I do caress the notion of loving a fellow lover, the occasional skip of the heart beat, the romantic gestures, the time old phrases and canon performances. Our life as we know it is merely a simple beat in the song and dance that entwines our lovely minds together. You always keep certain memories of your past, some of them will remain seemingly clear as day, others you'll remember fragments of speech, colours or smells, and the very special few will fade in time to leave a lasting impression of an extraordinary emotion that will be shared amongst yourself until the day you die. There is nothing that will make you forget how that moment felt, and everything that reminds you of that moment will trigger inside of you that moment that sits so deep in your heart.

The only light being the cool glow from the moon; nervous anticipation, satin and lace. Nervous excitement. A true connection, a timeless bond, a moment that will change your life forever. Twenty minutes of your life that you will never forget.

And now all that your left to hold onto is the kiss goodbye and some tacky polaroids... If they were only real polaroids they wouldn't be so shameful.

February 14, 2010

The Loneliest Day of the Year

My 20th year, my 19th Valentine's Day, probably my 3rd one realising that there's no point to it. Let's Celebrate:

Goodnight. ♥

February 6, 2010

Willfully Abandoned

She makes me wonder
How could you turn my heart asunder
You make me try
To bring us back to life
Don't forgive this
Don't bereave for me
I will endure
For this desire you give me
!Gives me desire to kill you

January 31, 2010

Where Do You Hide Victoria

Lovely listen heartbeats sink
This is our home we'll build it together
Fight for our love
Ill stand here forever

Sink into the sand
Watch the waves wash over me
I look out to the see
When will you come home to me

Some day youll be lost
And 'til then we'll lust
But forever ill try
To Find you again

Take me away
Take me away from here
Take me away
Take me away from this

January 24, 2010


Because thats just what it is...

But sometimes, just sometimes, you want to come back to the pillow.

January 19, 2010

A Promise To Compromise

Dont you know how I feel when I feel,
You should feel proud, youre not dismembered.

Because we laugh in the rain,
While I curse your name
I wish you were dead
At least dead to me.

You hope for stars and when I care too much,
You just run away
Because I gave my heart to you but you didnt like it,
And threw it away.

Never give it up,
As long as I breathe it,
Youll push me away,
But ill come back again,
and forever again

January 18, 2010

Im Taking Pansexuality Back!

What will this love amount to
Who will stay until the end
Love knows no bounds say they
But they say they'venot loved
It's al hopes and dreams
Until my honey wakes up dead
But before you knew
We'd wish for a life of regrets
Before ever meeting you

Somedays are easier than others
When all we wish for is an illusion
But between you and me
Nothing lasts better
Than a night under the stars
And a night in each others arms

Watching the time pass by
Expressing our lust
Through emotionless actions
Hours by and we'd not know our name
You'll be removed
And I'll keep on living
This night will mark time
I'll forget my desires
That I've longed forever
Born anew
Into my new life
...Fuck I Love Me...

January 16, 2010

Save The Thoughts For Paper

How do I place the words properly to express how I feel without forsaking our friendship.
For what reason would someone drunkenly admit your deepest dreams
Only to shamelessly avoid it later.
And when you react badly and self-destructive, the simple sign that they care
Is enough to turn your whole heart around.
[See the mirror in your eyes,
See the truth behind your lies...]
It's a simple solution, to forsake a friendship
I've given all I've got
I've nothing more to lose.
Who can, who will forgive me now,
When  all that I do
Is lost in misery.
[...Your eyes are haunting me,
See the reason in your eyes.
Giving answer to the why,
Your eyes are haunting me...]
If I could only see you one more time,
Everything would be alright,
One more time, one more night.
Everything would be just fine....

Why can't you feel it?
Why can't you see it?
In and out of love.... each time...

**certain lines from "In And Out Of Love" by Armin Van Buuren**

January 13, 2010

Need to deal with this violent threat, an idea that what this disaster is causing me will destroy my life as a whole, i cant keep living this way, my soul will eat me alive. If you cant give me what i want why dont you exist when i need you to. i gave to much, i always do, like i feel that you want to know what you want to know about me. when will i realise that what im feeling is not what i desire but what i want from this world to captivate and restructure this world as a whole, just save my fucking soul and take me away from this delusional paranoia you give me,

January 12, 2010

Hedon's Do It Better

On a path of self-destruction due to ones own self-loathing
No more will these days outnumber the lives of our forerunners
Days pass on, and I'll learn to cope
Someday you and I will spend together forever

Never will I let this heart die
My exterior will shine brighter than the sun.

Many years ago...

Deciding to start putting up song demo's and other music works ive come up with myself and this is a test on embedding music files.

Thats my Year 12 Music 1 HSC composition peice, figure here was a good enough place to post it. Enjoy,.

January 11, 2010

Believe Me When I Say, you don't scare so easily, don't open your heart to let it break so easily.
Just give up to the desires of  your heart
Let the willingness give way to the art of your soul

January 10, 2010

Contemplating A Virgin Direction

Do I care all that much about what appears around me
When will enough be enough
Do I return to the ones I know that love me
Do I strive to turn a new cheek and burn away my past
Nothing in this world will change my desire
To pull you apart
And find your love at last

January 9, 2010

New Directions (Disregard)

With a certain disregard for ethics
Our minds will be changed to a new light
Forever our life lingers on the horizon
You'll be wishing to steal me away

This lifetime beyond the next
Don't hold me back
Your wish will be your death
Until the world collapses again
We'll be together unto the end
You, me and the rest of me
Forever we'll be living free,